
Recently, as a staff, we created a Manifesto. What is a Manifesto? It is a "a public declaration of policy and aims." New Life Adoptions Manifesto We believe life begins at conception, and that every child deserves a chance to live. We believe we should live in...

Advice to Adoptive Parents: Perspectives of Birth Moms, Part 3

In concluding our “Perspectives of Birth Moms” posts, I want to share some advice that birth moms have for adoptive families. “Give them time. Be supportive of their mental state.” There have been times when I have had birth moms initially say they want a closed...

Experience with Open Adoption: Perspectives of Birth Moms – Part 1

I recently conducted a survey for New Life’s birth moms, of the women who participated, all said that they have an open adoption with their child and/or their child’s adoptive family. They also all shared that they are happy with their level of openness, and wouldn’t...

Debunking the Myths of Open Adoption

Let's explore some often heard myths.... 1) Open adoption is co-parenting. Myth. Especially with adoption agencies, there are well thought out policies and procedures that help define the openness within an adoption relationship. There are usually defined, intentional...

Bringing Joy Into Your Adoption Wait

I know by the way you keep checking your phone. I know by the way you won’t join your family on that weekend trip, just in case. I know by the way you hesitate to take a day off of work. And I know by the empty nursery in your home. You are waiting. You are waiting...

The Davis Family – An Adoption Story

During counseling with expectant moms, the question sometimes arises..."Will my child resent me for choosing adoption?" Some expectant mothers assume their only options for their pregnancy are parenting or abortion. This sweet family recently shared their adoption...

Volunteer Spotlight – Ms. Pat

Pat Lechleiter is a special woman! Pat sews beautiful handmade quilts for our birth mothers and adoptive families. Each one is unique and embroidered with the verse from Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord; plans to prosper you and...

Virtual Grateful Gathering 2020

You may have missed our virtual gala but we want you to have access to all the videos! Don't have an hour to sit and watch in 1 setting? We've broken the event up for you here:  Part 1 Welcome  Part 2 The Blessing Song (Myers Family) Part 3 Ministry Update  Part...

The Gospel Call to Adoption

As you may have heard, November is National Adoption month. November 21 is National Adoption Day! While adoption is near to our hearts here at New Life, salvation through faith in Jesus is our greatest mission for those we serve. One of our adoptive dads had the...