Unplanned or unwanted pregnancy?
We can help!
You have options!
We are here to help you explore all of your options. You can trust us to help you make the best decision for you and your baby. We will provide you with:
- A personal advocate who represents your interests.
- Freedom to consider all your pregnancy options.
- Decision making at your own pace.
- Adoptive families who are committed and prepared to honor you.
- Adoption planning where your needs come first.
We are a licensed child placing agency for the state of Texas. We believe you are not considering “giving up” your baby but making a loving plan for their future.
We can help by providing you with free personal support and counseling, factual information, and the resources you need to make that decision.
Your plan is YOUR choice.
Call or text us (281-955-1001) today to speak with one of our options counselors. You may also fill out the Expectant Mom Form or send an email. You don’t have to be set on choosing adoption to get more information. All information you submit is confidential.
Considering Adoption?
I Can Choose Marriage or Co-Parenting
I Can Choose Single Parenting
Considering Abortion?
A chemical or surgical abortion will end your pregnancy. With all abortions there are many risks involved. There are physical and emotional issues after an abortion that you will need to discuss with someone you trust. For more information, please contact your doctor or visit your local pregnancy center.

You have already made a good start on gathering information. We hope you will call, text, email, or fill out the contact form so we can speak with you confidentially about your options. Contacting us does not mean you have decided on adoption. It means that you are willing to talk with someone who can help you understand all of your choices and give you factual, relevant information to make the best choice for you and your baby. New Life is here to support you, no matter what you choose.
Maybe your first thought after your pregnancy test was something like “I’m pregnant and I don’t want to be,” “I can’t have this baby,” “I do not want this baby,” or “It’s not a good time to have a child.”Whatever thoughts are racing through your mind, know that you have options if you’re pregnant and don’t want a baby. Only you can make the right choice and you can start with these steps:
- Know your choices. It’s difficult to discover that you’re pregnant and don’t want to be. You may feel shock, denial or even disbelief. This is normal.
- Learn and research all of your options. These include parenting, abortion and adoption. You need to consider if you are ready to be a parent. If it is not the right time to be a parent, you have other options. Abortion is not the only option! There are many families out there who would love your child. You can choose a family to provide a safe, loving home for your child.
- Contact a professional. If you are considering adoption or abortion your next step is to contact a professional. If you’re pregnant and want to give up/put up your baby for adoption (we like to say make an adoption plan), the professionals at New Life can help!
Call or text us at 281-955-1001.

Adoption has changed over the last few decades. It is never an easy choice, but society is now recognizing the brave and selfless choice a birth mother makes when placing her child for adoption. Adoption stories are becoming stories of hope, blessing, and joy for the birth families as well as the adoptive families. At New Life, we encourage pregnant women to explore all of their options, and offer the individualized counseling you need to make the best decision for you and your baby. No one will pressure you to consider adoption.
If you choose adoption through New Life, you can:
- Work with an options counselor to make a personalized adoption plan.
- Choose your baby’s adoptive family and meet them.
- Make a hospital plan that is right for you.
- Choose a name for your child that the adoptive family keeps as a first or middle name.
- Choose the level of contact you will have with your adoptive family.
- Receive help with medical care.
- Receive legal services during your pregnancy.
- Receive lifetime counseling, helping you as you move through the adoption process, after birth and beyond.
Services included in your adoption plan:
- Personalized Attention and Understanding
- Pre/Post Adoption Counseling
- Choosing a Family for Your Child
- Making a Hospital Plan
- Ongoing Practical Support
- Housing Referrals
- Transportation Assistance
- Medical Service Referrals
- Legal Resources
In counseling, we will explore
- Parenting vs. Adoption
- Agency Adoption vs. Private Adoption
- Grief and Loss
- Legal Issues
Other services:
- Support Group for Birth Families
- Post Adoption Services & Support
Call or text us! (281) 955-1001 to speak to an options counselor.

The Benefits of AN Agency Adoption
Your Needs:
AGENCY – New Life serves pregnant women in a variety of ways. Housing, medical care, relationships, and your emotional health are important to us.
PRIVATE – In adoption, financial assistance to pregnant women is regulated by law. You should be cautious if you are offered money to place your baby with someone.
Your Wishes:
AGENCY – Your New Life Adoption Specialist will spend time with you exploring your wishes regarding your adoption plan. She will be supportive of your needs during all stages of your pregnancy and after the birth of your baby.
PRIVATE – You will be responsible for ensuring that your thoughts and opinions are heard and given full consideration.
Choosing a Family:
AGENCY – You can choose from New Life adoptive families that have been through an extensive screening (including background checks) and approval process. These families have had training about adoption and are aware of your viewpoint and your needs as a birth parent. After placement New Life completes a thorough assessment of the family, including visits with the family in their home.
PRIVATE – You might be told of an adoptive family by a friend or family member who may not know detailed information about that family. This adoptive family may not have knowledge of adoption issues or the needs of a birth parent.
Personal Information:
AGENCY – You have control over how much contact information you want your New Life adoptive family to have. The adoptive family will share who you are with your child in a respectful and loving way.
PRIVATE – Full disclosure of your contact information could be shared. You may not know the attitude with which the adoptive family presents you to the child.
Continued Contact:
AGENCY – You can have continued contact with your child. You can work with your New Life Adoption Specialist to decide what type of relationship you would like to have. New Life will help to promote an ongoing relationship between you and the adoptive family for life.
PRIVATE – There is no advocate for you if the adoptive family does not carry through with what they might tell you relating to continued contact.
Birth Father:
AGENCY – If you and the birth father disagree about adoption or you no longer have a relationship with him, you may not have to talk with him if you do not want to.
PRIVATE – If you and the birth father disagree about adoption or you no longer have a relationship with him, you must find someone who will work with him to determine if his rights can be terminated.
AGENCY – You will not need to have an attorney, nor will you need to go to court. New Life will handle all legal details for you. There is NO cost to you.
PRIVATE – You will need to ensure that a competent attorney handles all legal issues pertaining to the adoption, and that you can trust that person.