The Good News

Jesus Christ came to the earth as a man, died the brutal death that a criminal deserves, and was raised to life after being dead for three days. He ascended into heaven and is reigning there with God the Father. One day, Christ will come back to take his children home to heaven, to live in complete peace and worship unto God. As we await that day, God has given us His Holy Spirit and His words in the Bible to guide us. Christ died willingly so that we could be with God and fully loved by God – no longer separated from Him because of our sin. Once we are adopted into God’s family, we can never be taken away from Him and He can never love us any less or any more than He already does. This is the Good News of the Gospel!
My name is Melissa Tolley, and I have the wonderful privilege of currently being an intern at New Life. I wanted to share the gospel story with you because I feel that the work that is being accomplished at New Life is a beautiful picture of the kind of love and sacrifice that Jesus Christ has shown to us through the Gospel. Every day the aim of New Life is to give love and support to pregnant women who have nowhere else to turn. I have learned that this often requires great sacrifice from New Life, but that they always offer this selfless support in love, kindness, and generosity.
An example of this love that I have seen recently from the staff is working with clients from hard places. As in life in general, there are times when people do not listen to our guidance or advice, instead they utilize their free will by going their own way and making their own decisions. Through all the frustrating things that happen at New Life, the staff continues to be positive, generous, and compassionate towards these expectant moms…….This is the kind of love that God shows to His children every day. We fail and turn away from God continuously, but He always forgives us and loves us. Praise God that He shows mercy on us, even though we don’t deserve it!
— Melissa Tolley, Intern