
Recently, as a staff, we created a Manifesto. What is a Manifesto? It is a “a public declaration of policy and aims.”
New Life Adoptions Manifesto
We believe life begins at conception, and that every child deserves a chance to live.
We believe we should live in community, carrying the burdens of those God brings to us.
We believe each day is a gift and that everyday miracles are scattered about if only we have eyes to see.
We believe adoption is the picture of the gospel of Christ.
We believe God can use the pain in our lives for His purposes.
We believe in human kindness, knowing we are made better when we all work together.
We believe a “crisis” pregnancy is not a crisis to God, but a miracle and a gift.
We believe every woman has a right to know all of her choices when faced with an unplanned pregnancy.
We believe God places a calling on His people for adoption.